Thursday's Super Secret Offer:
 When you purchase the Unstuff Your Life System
before Friday's session starts (8:00PM ET),
you'll instantly save $300 plus get
any two classes at Unstuff University–choose from popular titles like Mastering Your Digital Life, Calling BS on Busy, and more (an additional $194 value!) 

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 Get the system that will show you how to finally say goodbye to clutter!
  Now you can go from this...
 to this in just 10 weeks!
Sign up today and get a home you love with the system to keep it that way forever!

The Unstuff Your Life System® gives you LIVE instruction, accountability, a supportive community, and forever access—plus, a 14-day money back guarantee.

Here's What You Get:
Weekly LIVE instruction on Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 pm Eastern.
Every session is recorded and available 24/7/365 for CONVENIENT replays any time.
INSTANT access to your program hub, including $14,000 worth of bonuses.
LIVE orientation session walks you through everything and sets you up for success.
START whenever is best for you—there are always new students JOINING.
 FOREVER access to the entire Unstuff Your Life System®—9 modules in all.
All the major clutter HOTSPOTS, including email, photos, sentimental objects, and more.
All our DONE-FOR-YOU worksheets and templates to keep you focused and productive.
Our EXCLUSIVE vault of estate planning resources for your family’s peace of mind.
Our PHOTO ORGANIZING program + 50% discount on ALL digitizing services—enjoy your photos instead of dreading them.
FOREVER access to our LIVE calls each week during the program—get the support you need to get your life back now.
Your very own Accountability Buddy—for EXTRA support and encouragement anytime.
FOREVER access to our private online group and community— get coaching and answers all year round.
Our COMPLETE collection of the Open Office Hours video series—over 60 hours of instruction and inspiration available on demand.

Step 1: Registration Information

Step 2: Payment Information

Order Summary
SAVE almost $500 tonight!
Get $300 off tuition PLUS
BONUS Tonight Only: Get any two Classes at Unstuff U FREE ($194 value!) 

Complete My Order

Our Cancellation Policy

I understand that with this transaction, I am PURCHASING this program in FULL. I am clear that I am NOT purchasing a monthly subscription plan that I can cancel at any time, but instead, agreeing to pay $1,097 in FULL less applied discounts or coupons (with the opportunity to do so over time if I am choosing a payment plan).

I understand that I have 14 days from the date of the first session to review and use the first two course modules. To be eligible for a REFUND of my tuition, I understand that I must submit my completed homework from the first MODULE I attend in the course Online Group to demonstrate that I did the work. I will also schedule an exit interview with you by emailing you at so we can learn what didn’t work for you and have the opportunity to make it better for future clients. Tuition refunds will be in full less any credit card processing fees which the bank does not return. Within the first 14 days, I may elect to defer enrollment to a later cohort in lieu of a refund, and I may defer enrollment a total of two times in total.

I understand that chargebacks are NOT an acceptable way to cancel this program and will be contested – and that I MUST submit my homework within the 14 days as stated above to receive my full refund.

I understand that the content of this course – including but not limited to the videos, worksheets, files, forms, documents and spreadsheets contained herein – is protected under copyright law and the copyright is held by Andrew Mellen, Inc. It is illegal to share, copy or re-purpose any of the materials herein for your own commercial use or with other individuals. These materials are for your personal use only unless you obtain prior written consent of Andrew Mellen, Inc. to the contrary.
